30 days to get THE JOB
“Hi guys, I have planned to start a challenge to get a job within 30 days. I have failed many times. Actually, it has been 3 months without a job. I know this really sucks, but I am trying to work on it. But this time, I am going to get the job. This is like my final call, sacrificing everything to get the job”
From February 4 to March 5, I will write a daily blog about my mindset and the steps I have taken to achieve my goal. I will also document my routine, the difficulties I face, and how I am overcoming them.I have to focus on DSA and Projects in springboot.
GOAL - Java developer (7.5 LPA -11 LPA).
If you feel like you have not in the position where you want to be ,Then Lets start this together. 30 days may not help you to reach the goal but this will take you closer to the goal. So you can start with #30DaysforMyGoal and post it daily.