Day 1 of 30 days to get THE JOB
Solved 3 problem - Strings ,Array
Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s | Dutch National Flag problem.
Learned Sorting algorithm - Merge sort ,Quick sort, Bubble sort , Selection sort
Merge sort TC - O(n log n) , SC - O(n)
Quick sort TC - O(n log n) , SC - O(1)
Bubble sort TC -O(n²) ,SC -O(1)
Selection sort TC -O(n²) ,SC -O(1)
I applied to many companies and reached out to HR, but the common response I received was, "We are currently looking for candidates with 4+ years of experience." I got similar replies from around three HR.
30 days may not help you to reach the goal but this will take you closer to the goal. So you can start with #30DaysforMyGoal and post it daily.